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Welcome to the LSNJLAWSM website, provided by Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ). LSNJ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit offering free civil legal assistance to low-income people in New Jersey. Find legal information by clicking on a legal topic or typing a few words into the search box.

Community Resources

Many people with legal problems need other types of non-legal help as well. The resources listed on this site provide a wide range of aid and information to people in need. They are broken down into three categories: Emergency Resources, Aid and Services, and Information Only. Some of the links will take you away from LSNJ's website, and you will access an external website that LSNJ does not control. LSNJ cannot attest to the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided by these outside links. Linking to a website does not constitute an endorsement of any of the products or information presented on the site by LSNJ or any of its employees.

Mental Health Resources: List of services available for people in crisis​.
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management - This site provides advice and resources for people with disabilities and their families to help them plan to meet special needs during emergencies.

Division of Deaf and the Hard of Hearing: This site provides information and referral services, technical assistance, advocacy and much more to the deaf and hard of hearing community in New Jersey.

Division of Disability Services: Information and referral assistance for people with disabilities (from the New Jersey Department of Human Services)

Job Accommodation Network - This site provides free information, advice and assistance on job accommodations to help people with disabilities get and maintain employment.

New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (from Jobs4Jersey/The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development) - This New Jersey state agency site provides information on services available to help people with disabilities get and keep jobs. Its sister agency for people with visual impairments is Vocational Rehabilitation (from the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired).

Mental Health

Transportation Resources for NJ Residents with Disabilities

DisabilityInfo: DisabilityInfo links to websites that provide useful, timely, government information and services relating to disability matters.

Mental Health