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Additional Benefits During Training (ABT)


If your unemployment benefits are about to end and you still have not found employment, you may be eligible for training and continued benefits during training. The training is provided by the New Jersey Department of Labor (NJDOL), through its Workforce Development Partnership (WDP) Program.

What kind of help is available?

The Additional Benefits during Training (ABT) program provides up to 26 weeks of additional benefits to help people complete approved training programs that extend past the regular unemployment benefit period. The WDP counselor must work with a claimant on an employability plan for these benefits before a worker can enroll in a training program. If you are near the end of your regular unemployment benefits, speak with the unemployment agency about an employability plan.

You have until the latest of the following dates to tell the NJDOL that you are interested in enrolling in a training program:

  • Within 60 days of the last day you worked,
  • Within 30 days from the time the agency informed you about the ABT program, or
  • Within 30 days from the time you and your counselor make an employability plan.

You must also meet basic requirements for ABT benefits. The NJDOL requires that claimants:

  • Have been permanently terminated by their current employer.
  • Are eligible for benefits at the time of termination.
  • Did not have a simple misconduct disqualification
  • Engaged in employment counseling with the agency.
  • Notified the agency of the intent to enter into training identified in the employability plan.

How do I get started?

You cannot be considered for ABT benefits or for a training grant, such as payment of course expenses, if you enroll in training without with the prior authorization of a WDP counselor. Contact your local One-Stop Career Center for an appointment with a WDP counselor. See One-Stop Career Centers (from the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development) to find addresses and telephone numbers.

What if I’m not living in New Jersey?

If you live in another state and are claiming unemployment benefits through New Jersey, you may contact the New Jersey claims office at 1-888-795-6672 if you are interested in these benefits. You can enroll in training in another state with the help of your local career counselor and apply for New Jersey ABT benefits.​​​