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LSNJ LAW Home > Legal Topics > Health Care > NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid > Renewing your Medicaid Coverage

What You Need to Know If You Have Children on NJ FamilyCare


The New Jersey Medicaid program, NJ FamilyCare, has to evaluate everyone for coverage every 12 months, to make sure that they are enrolled in the correct program.

If you have children in your household, it is important for you to return the renewal paperwork or complete the online renewal process, especially if your situation may have changed. NJ FamilyCare has many different options for coverage for children, including Medicaid and CHIP programs. The income limits for children’s coverage are much higher than adult coverage.

If your household income or size has changed in the previous 12 months, you or the other adults in your household may no longer qualify for NJ FamilyCare coverage. This will not affect your children’s eligibility. It is not necessary for everyone in the household to qualify for Medicaid in order for children to be covered under NJ FamilyCare. Your children will be switched to the correct program, and you will be provided with information on other options.

If your children are switched to CHIP coverage due to a higher household income, then there may be a copay for doctor’s visits and other care. The notice will explain this change. Although CHIP coverage sometimes also requires a monthly premium, at the present time, no premiums are being charged.

If you have children in your household and you have questions about their eligibility or coverage, contact the LSNJ Health Care Access Project through the LSNJLAW Hotline at (1-888-LSNJ-LAW, 1-888-576-5529), or your local Legal Services program.