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New Jersey Work Incentives Network Support (NJWINS)


People who get Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for a disability can use Social Security “work incentive” programs. The New Jersey Work Incentives Network Support (NJWINS) program provides free advice to people with disabilities who are interested in learning about the work incentive programs. These programs can sometimes allow:

  • SSDI or SSI beneficiaries to keep receiving some cash benefits while testing their ability to work.
  • SSDI or SSI beneficiaries to keep their medical insurance (Medicare or Medicaid) while they test their ability to work and even after they get a full-time job.
  • “Trial work periods” for some beneficiaries in which their benefits are protected if they are not able to stay employed.
  • Other benefits such as free or low-cost job training.

New Jersey residents who are 14 to 64 years of age and who are receiving SSDI or SSI benefits are eligible for NJWINS services.

The rules for these work incentives are sometimes confusing, and NJWINS caseworkers can help explain them. For instance, they can explain how income from a job will affect SSDI or SSI disability cash benefits and medical insurance. NJWINS is funded by Social Security under its Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) grant. NJWINS is an independent not-for-profit group that provides free advice to consumers.

How can I get in touch with NJWINS?

The NJWINS website lists contact information for Benefits Planning Specialists for all New Jersey counties.

Low-income New Jerseyans can get free legal help by contacting LSNJLAW, Legal Services of New Jersey's statewide, toll-free legal hotline at 1-888-LSNJ-LAW (1-888-576-5529). Outside of New Jersey, please call 732-572-9100 and ask to be transferred to the hotline.​​​