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Domestic Violence Representation Project


The Domestic Violence Representation Project provides direct legal representation and advice to victims of domestic violence. It is funded in part by grants from the New Jersey Department of Human Services and the State Office of Victim Witness Advocacy.

What is the Domestic Violence Representation Project?

The Domestic Violence Representation Project (DVRP) provides direct legal assistance, referral, and advice to low-income victims of domestic violence who suffer from domestic violence and cannot afford to pay for the services of a private attorney. The DVRP is one of several Legal Services of New Jersey special projects. The project seeks to fill gaps in the legal representation of low-income domestic violence victims, especially where county Legal Services programs cannot help. The project serves clients throughout the state and also offers training and ongoing assistance with cases to private attorneys who provide free representation for low-income clients.

The DVRP’s services are free of charge to income-eligible clients who are victims of domestic violence. The DVRP provides advice and, as resources permit, direct representation for final restraining order hearings and other related matters such as divorce, custody, parenting time, spousal support, and child support. Staff attorneys, social workers, and paralegals are available to help. All calls and consultations are strictly confidential.

Who is eligible for DVRP assistance?

Low-income victims of domestic violence may be given assistance in civil cases by the DVRP. (Legal Services programs do not handle criminal cases). All who apply for help are screened to see if their incomes fall within the guidelines for eligibility (250 percent or less of the federal poverty line).

DVRP resources are limited. We are not able to represent everyone who asks for assistance, but we will provide advice and make every effort to refer those we cannot help to other attorneys or agencies who can provide service.

Legal Services of New Jersey
Domestic Violence Representation Project
(888) 576-5529

About LSNJ

Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ) coordinates the statewide network of nonprofit Legal Services programs which provide free legal assistance in civil cases to low-income New Jersey residents who cannot afford lawyers. If you have a legal problem and think that your income may qualify you to become a Legal Services client, please call LSNJLAWSM, New Jersey’s Legal Hotline at 1-888-LSNJ-LAW (1-888-576-5529), or you may apply online.